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Atlas House

Atlas House

“Ask not what your house can do for you, but what you can do for your house!”

Working together, the students and staff of Atlas House can create an ethos, environment and atmosphere that gives us all the chance to make our lives at SBL purposeful and successful.

I expect students in Atlas to be supportive and respectful of one another. I expect students in Atlas to be ‘doers’, people who make things happen; everyone has something to offer. What you put in is what you get out. Perhaps most importantly, I expect Atlas students to persevere, to give it their best shot, and not be afraid to fail. We learn from our mistakes; we may fail again, but we will fail better!  Perseverance leads to growth and eventually to success.

I have been at SBL for 20 years and have taught all year groups and abilities in that time, with literature and A Level as my specialism.  Prior to assuming the role of Head of House, I was Dean of Post-16. As once a student and now a teacher I have learned how important hard work, parental support and great teaching are to a young person’s development. The staff in Atlas House will aim to do all we can to provide a caring school environment that allows the students in our care to flourish, succeed and be happy.

Mr Davey,
Head of Atlas House


  • Academic aspiration
  • Creative aspiration
  • Sporting aspiration
  • Ethical aspiration
  • Intellectual aspiration
Callisto House

Callisto House

It is a privilege to be Head of Callisto House. We have an excellent team of tutors and support staff that are here to help and make sure students get the most out of their time at Sir Bernard Lovell Academy.

The expectations of all students in Callisto are high, to ensure all students meet their highest potential both academically and personally. I am keen to continually develop a supportive and respectful culture where opportunities are provided to further increase the aspirations of all students. 

Prior to starting my role as Head of House, I was Deputy Curriculum Leader for PE. As both a PE and Health and Social teacher, I have had the pleasure of teaching many students at SBL, in very different settings. It is with that said that I have been able to observe the various ways that students learn, and it goes without saying that determination and hard work really does pay off. 

I will always endeavor to encourage students to push for the very best, supporting all students to demonstrate resilience when facing challenges. Remember, it is more than ok to not succeed straight away, it is in those moments that we can learn from our mistakes. 

We know we can always rely on the support from our Parents and Carers to provide their child with support along the way, to help guide them through the years at Sir Bernard Lovell Academy. All members of Callisto House will strive to do the same. 

Mrs Vittles
Head of Callisto House

Europa House

Europa House

It is an honour to have been recently appointment as Head of Europa House. 

I feel privileged to be working with Europa students who are caring, respectful and hard-working individuals and who are always ready to take on a challenge and become active participants in helping others. Over the years Europa students have demonstrated their caring nature and collaborative skills by raising money for Lepra, Great Ormond Street and Save the Children, as well as fundraising for Children In Need, Comic Relief and the refugee crisis. 

I look forward to congratulating and celebrating Europa students' triumphs within and outside of school life. I will encourage Europa students to try their very best each and every day, by motivating and supporting students both academically and emotionally. Europa students will uphold high expectations, they will take pride in their appearance and conduct and will continue to sustain great attendance, so that each student will achieve their best possible outcomes at the end of Year 11.

Europa House would not be the great house it is without the dedication and commitment of the Tutor team and House team. Last but not least, Europa House knows we can always rely on the support of Parents and Carers. Our aim is to ensure that pupils have a secure, enjoyable and productive time as they move through Sir Bernard Lovell Academy. 

Mr Fuller
Head of Europa House

Titan House

Titan House

The Titans of Greek mythology helped to shape the world and carved their own paths to greatness. It is well known that students within Titan House more than live up to their namesakes through the greatness of their achievements and the strength of their characters.

Titan students are at their best when they push each other to be the greatest they can be. So, we encourage our students to challenge themselves every day and I am proud to say that I see Titans upholding this ethos every day, both inside and outside of the classroom. We consistently see our students excelling in their subjects and in extracurricular activities such as swimming, golf, shooting, gymnastics and volunteering. Perhaps more importantly, we see our students persevering when confronted with the difficult and seemingly impossible tasks that they encounter. I am confident that their perseverance in the darkest of times would not be possible without the support of such a strong Titan community behind them. 

I have been a part of Titan House for three years and it is always an honour to see our students grow into well-respected and cherished members of the SBL community. I look forward to seeing the new heights that Titan will reach this year and am excited to support the house as it continues its journey to greatness. 

Mrs Baker and Miss Munns,
Head of Titan House