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Year 11

Spring internal exam timetable (Excel)

Summer Exams 2025

Please see the official government guidance to candidates sitting regulated exams in the summer of 2025.

This Ofqual Student Guide to Exams and Assessments in 2025 provides information about arrangements for qualifications regulated by Ofqual. It explains what you need to know before, during and after your exams and assessments.

Results 2024

Use of AI

Reviewing papers

If you think a review should be requested for one of your papers, please complete the Google form.

  • Review deadlines will be added in due course

If we don’t feel that a review is warranted but you would like to proceed anyway, then you can view a table of fees

Revision advice and topics

  • All curriculum teams are already working hard to prepare students with revision advice, guidance and lists of the things that they need to revise. Students should listen carefully to this advice and organise their revision in advance. Our teachers are here to help and students are always free to see them outside of lesson time if they have any specific questions.
  • Our curriculum team leaders have put together these two invaluable resources that summarise exactly what is in each of the exam papers in every subject and how students should prepare for them.

General revision advice

  • The document how students learn gives a scientific insight into how we remember things including specific revision strategies that we know work. This is a useful resource for you to go through with your daughter/son. We have also put together a five minute revision techniques video for you to watch.

Help for reading

  • This year, students who are entitled to help will be using a reading pen in all of their examinations. These students have already been trained to use the pen as well as being given the opportunity to loan a reading pen so that they can get confident using it in their lessons and at home. We know that using the pen can be a real help. Please approach our SEN team if you want to know more.
  • Students who are entitled to different coloured paper in exams will this year be given coloured overlays to use on buff paper. This will be of no disadvantage to students whilst also reducing needless stress for students before exams.

Revision sessions timetable

All curriculum teams offer after-school revision sessions for year 11 students and these sessions will continue throughout the exam season. The timetable below details when these sessions happen for each subject. More information is available from subject teachers.

  • Monday: Science, Photography, French, German (Geography revision at lunchtime)
  • Tuesday: History (lunchtime and after school), Geography, PE, Engineering, Product Design, Textiles, Food, Performance, Business, Psychology, Sociology
  • Wednesday: English
  • Thursday: Maths, Values and Beliefs
  • Friday: Health and Safety, Art (week B only), Computing, French, German

Important exam information for Year 11 students - please read carefully

  • Exam timetables have already been issued to students via the student portal and hard copies on blue will be given out in the week prior to them starting.
  • Please be at the exam room 15 minutes prior to the exam start time so the exam can start promptly on time.
  • Please remember - no bags, coats, mobile phones, watches or electronic devices etc are allowed in the exam room. If a student is found with these, they will be reported to the exam board for malpractice.
  • Please remember you must enter the exam room in silence and remain this way until you have left the room
  • Please remember your equipment - black pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, maths equipment and calculator for science and maths papers (when allowed)
  • Any issues, please see Ms Murray in the exams office in M2 as a matter of urgency. We will do our best to sort out any issues you may have.

Here is some subject specific revision guidance which is available to your daughter/son.

Please also see the warning to all exam candidates. We would be grateful if you could remind your son/daughter about use of unauthorised items.

Exam related policies

Further information

AI and Assessments A quick guide for students