Parents and carers
Sir Bernard Lovell Academy takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children and young people in its care. The welfare and safety of the children in our care is of paramount importance to us and we foster a culture of vigilance among staff, students and parents/carers.
We always listen to children and take their concerns seriously.
Please feel free to contact Mr G Lyle (Designated Safeguarding Lead for Sir Bernard Lovell Academy) or the main switch board if you have any concerns in relation to students being at risk.
Safeguarding concerns
Safeguarding information
We have aimed to provide parents and carers with key information, advice and guidance and includes links to outside agencies and useful reference sites.
There is further guidance for parents and carers in our policy section or through the following sites:
Domestic abuse
Online learning
Online safety
Mental health support
Contact us
If you require any further support, please get in touch with a member of the safeguarding team by emailing the school:
On the Radar newsletter
On the Radar newsletters - stay up to date with the latest news and events at SBL.
Letters and information for parents and carers
Our portal for parents to be able to view (and update) student details, as well as parent/carer details, viewing reports, home study, praise points and timetables is called My Child At School (MCAS for short). Messages from the school will also be sent there.
It is accessible through the MCAS website – – or is also available on a mobile app for both Android and Apple. We recommend the mobile app as if notifications are enabled when setting up the app then messages from the school will appear as notifications on your phone.
Logging in to the app is straightforward – you need to use the email address that we have on record for you, and a password. First time you use the site / app you will need to set up a password by using the “reset password” link on the site/app.
If you have more than one child at SBL or at any other school that uses MCAS (either in the Futura Learning Partnership or at any other school) then you can swap between profiles for those children within the app, as long as you have the same email address registered for each child.
Please be aware that this is a parent app – students have their own dedicated site/app for accessing what they need so we recommend that you do not give students access to your password/details for MCAS. Details of the students’ site/app can be found on the SBL Student Site.
If you are having trouble accessing MCAS or you can only see some of your children on the app we have a dedicated MCAS helpdesk.
Admissions policy
If you are intending to apply for a place at our school then you may be interested to read our admissions policies.
Transfer to secondary school
Responsibility for Year 7 admissions to Sir Bernard Lovell Academy is with South Gloucestershire Council. Applications for places should be made directly through your home local authority. For more information for parents/carers who live within South Gloucestershire please see secondary school admissions.
Admissions and appeals timeline - Year 7 for September 2025 intake
Appeals will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadlines above.
Parents will be given at least 10 school days’ notice of the date of their appeal hearing.
Decision letters sent to parents: within a week of the final appeal hearing for each school where possible.
*Appeals should be sent directly to the Academy, C/o Headteacher’s PA, SBL School, North Street, Oldland Common, Bristol, BS30 8TS (
Late applications
Where a late application is refused, appeals should be lodged within 20 school days of the date of the refusal letter and will be heard according to the timescales above where possible, subject to statutory notice periods. If they cannot be heard within the timescales above, they will be heard within 30 school days.
Late appeals
Secondary appeals submitted after the deadline of 17th April will be heard by the end of the academic year (21st July) if possible, but with regard to the statutory requirements of notice periods that must be given. If there is not enough time for all parties to be given their full notice of the hearing, and supplied with the appeal paperwork, before the end of the academic year, late secondary appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the date the appeal is submitted.
More information can be found on South Gloucestershire Council’s website.
In-year admissions
Requests for In-Year transfers are normally only considered approximately six weeks prior to a requested start date. If a place is being sought for a September admission into an existing year group we recommend that parents/carers complete the application in mid-June.
To apply for a place for please download the secondary in-year application form (Pdf) and return directly to Sir Bernard Lovell Academy.
If you have any queries relating to admissions please email:
In-year admission appeals: academic year 2024/25
Appellants have 20 school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful to prepare and lodge their written appeal.
Appeals will be heard within 30 schools days of the appeal being lodged.
If you wish to submit an appeal, please send in writing directly to the Academy, C/o Headteacher’s PA, SBL Academy, North Street, Oldland Common, Bristol, BS30 8TS.
Active travel to SBL Academy
Printer friendly version of the map plus help and advice about your active travel journey to school (Pdf).
Our school promotes walking and cycling because…
It helps keep our students fitter and healthy and research shows being active can help students concentrate better and increase their levels of achievement.
By walking or cycling our school community can help reduce the number of vehicles on the road making it safer for pedestrians and cyclists and easier for local residents. It also reduces the pollution caused from exhaust fumes helping combat climate change and create cleaner air.
Key facts:
Why active travel is important
We have an Active Travel map (Pdf) which details 5 and 10 minute walking and cycling zones around the school. Use the map to help plan your journey.
I can’t Actively Travel to school because...
I live too far away – You might be surprised to learn that it only takes approx. 15 - 20 minutes to walk a mile. If you live several miles away you don’t have to walk the whole way, Park & Stride by getting dropped off 5-10 mins away from school and walking the rest, or Park & Pedal and cycle the rest of the way. Getting off a couple of stops early if you travel by public bus and walking the rest will also help you Actively Travel.
Bad weather - Don't let the weather put you off – it might seem obvious but keep an umbrella or a waterproof in your bag just in case, and a scarf and hat are a good idea when it is cold.
I am worried about my safety - If you're worried about walking alone then maybe arrange to meet a friend or walk in a group. If bullying on the school journey is an issue don't suffer in silence. Tell a member of staff at school. Everyone should feel safe to walk to school.
Too much to carry - Think about where you could possibly swap heavier folders for a USB or leave your PE kit in a locker. A decent backpack is great for carrying your things when walking or riding a bike, or you could even get yourself some panniers, or bike bags, to carry your school books on your bike.
Busy roads - might put you off, but there are lots of different roads, routes and footpaths you could use to get to school. OpenStreetMap or Google maps can help you plan a safer route and pick out some quieter roads and traffic-free cycle paths instead of the main roads.
I don’t know if my bike is safe to ride- Like any machine, a bicycle will work better and last longer if you care for it properly. Get in the habit of checking your bike regularly – simple checks and maintenance can help you enjoy a smooth ride to school and avoid repairs. The M check is a simple way to make sure your bike is safe to ride. Check out this 3 minute video explaining the Sustrans M Check.
Lack of confidence riding a bike - If you feel that you are not as confident a cyclist as you'd like to be, then check out Bikeability – a cycle training programme replacing cycling proficiency. Bikeability gives everyone the skills and confidence for all kinds of cycling.
Top 10 tips to get you going on two wheels:
Suggested further information/website links
Plan your route
Cycle route planning, there are lots of great resources for planning your cycling journeys whether that’s advice on quiet roads for your school commute, or leisure rides that will be a fun weekend family activity. Here is a selection of some:
Catering service at SBL
Our menus include British chicken, pork, turkey, fish from a sustainable source, free range eggs and locally produced fresh vegetables, all of which we have seen an increase in costs along with increases to labour costs for our staff.
Our meals meet the government food-based guidelines and we feel it is important to note that school meals provided by Zest Catering remain very competitive. As always remains committed to providing a quality service and healthy meal to your child at lunchtime and we will continue to work in close partnership with your school to ensure we achieve this.
The Zest Catering team would like to thank you for your continued support, if you require information regarding free school meals please do not hesitate to contact your school administrator. If you have any queries regarding the provision of school meals or allergens/dietary requirements, please feel free to email us:
If your child if entitled to free school meals (FSM) their cashless catering account will be topped up with £2.85 each day.
The menus currently available are included in the links below. Please note that there is a bi-weekly rotation of the menus 1, and 2. For ease, dates are provided at the top of each menu to assist you with meal planning for your child.
Cashless Catering
SBL operates a cashless catering system. The cashless system allows you to top up your child’s online account using Tucasi, which is also used for on-line payments for school trips.
Your individual access code to activate your Tucasi account will be provided when your child arrives into Year 7.
The cashless catering system recognises each individual student, holds individual cash balances, records cash spent and cash received, and records details of items purchased. Similar systems are widely used at schools across the local area.
Benefits of the cashless system include the following:
The academy sets a daily spend of up to £5.00 which would mean that no food above this limit can be purchased. Parents and carers can request that the daily spend is amended for their child and should contact the Kitchen Manager email: if they wish to do so.
The system works in exactly the same way for all students, including those entitled to a free school meal (FSM). For FSM, the amount allocated is £2.85 per day, credited just before lunch time begins. At the end of each day the balance is re-set to £0 regardless of whether the amount has been spent. Parents in receipt of FSM can choose to supplement the funds available to their child’s account so that their daily spend is up to £5.
Parents/carers can log into their child’s online account at any time to check the current balance or to view details of purchases made.
The cashless system uses finger imaging technology. The system scans certain points of the finger and creates a mathematical representation. This is the information compared at each scan. There is no way that the system can be used to recover a finger print as it does not store a copy. For further information about Finger Imaging please see the FAQs by clicking here.
Students will need to be registered for the cashless system. Please check the consent boxes on your Data Collection Form.
If you do not wish for your child to have their finger image registered we can issue them with a card to use as an alternative identification method. There will be a deposit of £5 required for a card which will be refunded if the card is returned when your child leaves the Academy.
Applying for free school meals (FSM)
Registering your child for free school meals means that your child can buy food at break and/or lunch free (subject to a maximum of £2.85 per day) and that SBL Academy will also receive extra money as a result.
The government is providing additional money to schools to help children from families who qualify for FSM. This funding is called the pupil premium.
If your child is registered to receive FSM:
Please register to make sure that your child doesn’t miss out.
Check if you qualify:
Please see the list below to see if you qualify. Registering is quick and easy - if you think you qualify, please see the South Gloucestershire Council's free school meal information
If you do want your child to have a free meal at lunch and/or break then this will save you around £400 a year and the school will also receive extra funds.
If your child is eligible for FSM but you don’t want him or her to have the meals that is fine but we would ask you to continue to apply anyway. This is so that the school still receives the Pupil Premium to which we are entitled through your child's eligibility.
Do you qualify?
You are entitled to apply to register for eligibility for FSM for your child(ren) if you are receiving one of the following benefits:
Free school meals are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:
Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
Your child might also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:
If you do register for this service the school will not share this information with anyone else. This will not affect any other benefits that you claim.
Allergy, intolerance and special diets
Please note, this notice only relates to parents/carers of students with an allergy, intolerance or special dietary requirement.
Over the summer our catering team, Zest, have revised their allergens policy to cover new legislation coming into force shortly.
As part of the revised policy, we require every student with an allergen, intolerance, or special dietary requirement to complete a special diets form. This is to ensure we can provide food safely to those who have allergens or intolerance and comply with the new regulations.
Please only complete the online form below if your child has an allergy, intolerance or special dietary requirement.
Severe weather conditions
Severe weather conditions before departure for school (if for example, there is a heavy fall of snow during the night, the following arrangements will apply).
Severe or deteriorating weather conditions during the day (i.e. after students have arrived at school).
With our students’ safety in mind we shall keep a constant check on road condition reports and weather forecasts. If conditions worsen during the day or if bus operators advise on an early departure, it would normally be our policy:
It is absolutely essential that you give your child clear instructions now for use in this kind of emergency. Make sure they have up-to-date telephone numbers and that they know how to contact you or some other responsible person. Ensure, also, that your child can get into the house in your absence.
At SBL Academy, we believe that taking part in an extra-curricular activity plays a huge part in a child's wider development and supports their wellbeing. We offer an impressive range of extra-curricular activities which take place both at lunchtime and after school, led by a dedicated team of staff. These enrichment opportunities take students beyond the curriculum and cater for students with a variety of different interests and aspirations.
We hope the link below will enable parents, carers and students to plan effectively. Students are asked to make sure they have informed their parents and carers before attending a session.
Year 6 students and In year admissions:
If your child is joining SBL Academy and eligible for Pupil Premium, we will support parents by providing a uniform voucher which can be redeemed in the uniform shop - Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists. This can be done on a case by case basis and reflect your individual circumstances.
Please complete the request for uniform funding form (Docx) and return by email ( or to reception. Once your request has been authorised the uniform voucher will be posted to you by our administration team.
Current SBL Academy students:
For current students who are eligible for the Pupil Premium, we may issue a uniform voucher for specific uniform items. These vouchers can be redeemed in the uniform shop - Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists. This will be done on a case by case basis and a member of your House team will be in contact to discuss your individual circumstances.
Please complete the request for uniform funding form (Docx) and return by email ( or post to our reception team.
More information
School Nurse information
The School Health Nurse for SBL is Alli Fry, who runs a confidential drop-in clinic for young people in E9 every Wednesday lunch time (no appointment is needed).
These sessions can be useful for seeking advice and support around many issues including mental health, emotional wellbeing, healthy relationships, sexual health and healthy lifestyles.
Parents are able to contact the school nursing service for advice and information on 01454 862 202.
ChatHealth is a text messaging service for 11-19 year olds giving students across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) easy access to support. The number for ChatHealth is 07312 26309.
Our vision is for everyone to be given the opportunities to identify and build their aspirations during their years at Sir Bernard Lovell Academy. All students will be enabled to reach their aspirations as a direct result of the high quality learning that takes place across the curriculum and through the behaviours and attributes they develop from the wide range of experiences and from personalised and effective support. We acknowledge that by working together, (the school, home and the student), we can achieve so much more and therefore this agreement has been written to make clear our collective responsibilities to ensure that every student reaches his or her potential.
Our Values
At Sir Bernard Lovell Academy, all parents, students, Governors and staff believe that the following behaviours and attributes will help us to achieve our vision. We value:
As a member of the SBL community, we will endeavour to demonstrate these values in everything we do.
Through cooperation, honesty and with effort, all SBL students will learn and develop the confidence, positivity and resilience that will enable them to set and achieve the highest aspirations for their futures.
The responsibilities of the academy
The academy will aim to:
The responsibilities of the parent/s or carer/s
I / we will:
The responsibilities of the students
I will:
Please note that the governing body will review this agreement from time to time and when revisiting this agreement, the governing body will consult the parents of all registered students at the academy.
Further information
The internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children's use of technology can be a challenge, especially if you feel that your children may have better technical skills than you do. However, children and young people still need support and guidance when it comes to managing their lives online and using the internet positively and safely.
Please see our child protection and safeguarding policy and online safety policy for information about our current protocols and procedures or visit Childnet's hot topics for more detailed information on topics such as social networking, online grooming, gaming and downloading.
Key information about social media (Twitter, Facebook and other social media applications)
Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities for students to communicate with friends, family and with new friends/contacts. There are also other applications which are similar to Facebook or Twitter, such as Instagram, designed for those aged 13 plus where children can make immediate connection with contacts (friends, family, aquaintances) using computers, tablets and suitably equipped mobile telephones (e.g. smart phones and iPhones). These sites allow children to view videos, images and text and write messages and to upload their own images (photos) which can be seen by the public or by selected groups depending on the security settings your child (or you) has/have chosen.
Although there are many positive aspects to social media, there are important things for parents to be aware of:
Everything your child writes or uploads will be accessible and available to view depending on the security settings selected by your child. This could involve personal photographs/ images, comments etc.
If a Sir Bernard Lovell Academy student is found to have made an unpleasant remark/comment about another student then they will be sanctioned. If a student makes an inappropriate or unpleasant remark about the school or a member of staff then the student will be sanctioned for this gross lack of respect. Parents/carers will always be involved if we ever have to deal with these issues.
What can parents do to keep their children safe?
A simple and effective way to get involved with your children and their lives online is through discussion. Consider using these conversation starters for parents and carers to get the ball rolling:
Adults can approach your children online in order to make contact with them. Sometimes these adults will pretend to be children in order to build trust. When trust has been established your child may be asked to send a picture or to speak online using a camera or other device. In the worst cases adults can pose as children and arrange to meet in public without you being aware.
Adults and sometimes, other children, have been known to ask children to send indecent images (naked pictures) using Facebook, Twitter or email. To receive these images is a criminal offence for any individual and punishable in law.
We take measures to educate all students about these possibilities through our curriculum but, of course, supervising students outside of school requires parents/carers to make their own arrangements, and for children and young people to make the right choices.
One of the best way to stop this is for parents/carers to carefully monitor activities at home and to never allow children to use computers and electronic devices without appropriate supervision.
Parents/carers must also ensure that all devices have appropriate security settings to make sure that children do not see things that they should not and so that they can be well protected from predatory adults.
Information on sexting and online sexual exploitation
The Lucy Faithful Foundation is the only UK-wide charity focused solely on reducing the risk of children being sexually abused and exploited and as part of their work they offer support for parents whose children have been affected by these issues.
The guide, what's the problem? is aimed at supporting parents whose children have already got into trouble online – helping them to understand what has happened, why and how parents can talk to their children and get further support.
The guide explains to parents:
What can parents do if they have any concerns?
If you have a concern of any kind, please do not ‘wait and see’ or assume that someone else is dealing with it. Please contact the school immediately or see the sources of additional information below:
Stay informed with the latest news and events at SBL.
Latest issue:
Previous issues:
Sixth Form Open Evening
We have designed an exciting and broad curriculum for our students to study from, enabling them to equip themselves for employment, higher education and life. Students can choose to study from a wide range of A-Levels and BTECs, in a caring and supportive environment.
Students considering 2025/26 entry can find out more at our Open Evening on Thursday 24th October 2024, 6 - 8pm or by contacting
Find out more
For more information please see the Futura Sixth website.
Parent/carer evenings from September 2020
Schools across the Futura Learning Partnership use an application called School Cloud to manage parents’ and carers' evenings. This application allows users to book appointments online and conduct appointments remotely via video communication.
Each of the schools within the Futura Learning Partnership have their own School Cloud website.
Sixth form students attending classes in different schools will need to book appointments and attend video conferences using each of the schools’ websites.
Instructions and guidance
The system will work on a wide range of devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops as well as desktop computers. To make video calls, parents and carers will need to use a device with a camera, microphone and one of the following compatible web browsers:
iPhone/iPad: Safari
Android: Chrome or Firefox
Windows: Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge
Mac: Safari, Chrome or Firefox
Linux: Chrome or Firefox
General principles for student images and video recording
Student photos and video recordings may be used for identification purposes and evidencing educational development. Such data will not be shared unless the law requires us to do so, or specific consent has been provided by the parent/carer.
Videos may be taken of lessons to support staff development; these may be seen by other teachers in school for staff training.
Where video or sound recording is required as part of an exam course for moderation purposes, such as drama, dance, music and PE, consent is not required other than opting to choose to study the course.
Parents / carers are welcome to take videos and photos of their children at school events for their own personal use. However, to respect everyone’s privacy rights and in some cases protection, these images must not be published or made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents / carers comment on any activities involving other students in the images / footage. Websites and social media can be viewed throughout the world, not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies. When images are posted on the internet, it is not possible to prevent others from reposting them.
Futura Schools use third party school photographers. These third parties come into school to take pictures of students (and their siblings) and pass the images back to the school. Proofs are distributed to parents/carers by the school. Parents/carers wishing to purchase images, do so by direct payment to the photographer. Schools are able to provide information on the specific photographer used in each school and direct parents/carers to their photographer’s own data protection policy.
Additional and specific consent for use by external agencies/companies may be sought.
For further information about how students’ personal information is collected and managed, please refer to the privacy notice on the trust website.
Parental consent
Parents provide consent for publication of their child’s image through the Parental Consents section of the My Child At School parent portal, or by contacting the school. Parental consent falls into two broad categories: School News/Events and Promotional Material.
Parental consent - school news and events
By consenting to ‘School News and Events’, parents/carers give consent to the following:
Parental consent - promotional material
By consenting to ‘promotional material’, parents/carers give consent to the following:
Parents/carers can withdraw consent at any time either through the Bromcom MCAS account or by contacting the school.
Information about pupils in Futura Learning Partnership and alternative provision
Data Protection Act 1998: How we use pupil information
We collect and hold personal information relating to our pupils and may also receive information about them from their previous school, local authority and/or the Department for Education (DfE). We use this personal data to:
This information will include their contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, any exclusion information, where they go after they leave us and personal characteristics such as their ethnic group, any special educational needs they may have as well as relevant medical information. For pupils enrolling for post 14 qualifications, the Learning Records Service will give us the unique learner number (ULN) and may also give us details about your learning or qualifications.
Once our pupils reach the age of 13, the law requires us to pass on certain information to the local authority in which the school is located who have responsibilities in relation to the education or training of 13-19 year olds. We may also share certain personal data relating to children aged 16 and over with post-16 education and training providers in order to secure appropriate services for them. A parent/guardian can request that only their child’s name, address and date of birth be passed to the local authority by informing the school office / administrator. This right is transferred to the child once he/she reaches the age 16. For more information about services for young people, please visit the relevant local authority website.
We will not give information about our pupils to anyone without your consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so. If you want to receive a copy of the information about your son/daughter that we hold, please contact the school office / administrator.
We are required, by law, to pass some information about our pupils to the Department for Education (DfE). This information will, in turn, then be made available for use by the local authority.
DfE may also share pupil level personal data that we supply to them, with third parties. This will only take place where legislation allows it to do so and it is in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Decisions on whether DfE releases this personal data to third parties are subject to a robust approval process and are based on a detailed assessment of who is requesting the data, the purpose for which it is required, the level and sensitivity of data requested and the arrangements in place to store and handle the data. To be granted access to pupil level data, requestors must comply with strict terms and conditions covering the confidentiality and handling of data, security arrangements and retention and use of the data.
For more information on this sharing process see how to access Department for Education (DfE) data extracts
For information on which third party organisations (and for which project) pupil level data has been provided to, please visit:
If you need more information about how the DfE collect and use your information see:
The School Community Forum is a constructive feedback group working to support SBL Academy’s pursuit of excellence.
Below are the dates for this year’s school community forum meetings.
Additional information
School uniform plays a central role in creating a sense of unity, identity and belonging within our academy community. The smart style of our school uniform reflects the high standards we expect at Sir Bernard Lovell Academy. School uniform is compulsory for all students in years 7-11.
The academy has taken steps to ensure our uniform remains affordable whilst ensuring our standards remain high, for example we have reduced the number of branded items for required our PE kit.
Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialist provide our blazers, ties and PE polo top. For girls who choose to wear our academy skirt, this can also be purchased from Monkhouse. All other compulsory uniform items can be purchased from a range of retail outlets such as ASDA, Tesco, Next or M&S school wear.
The guidance below is intended to support parents in ensuring their child is dressed smartly, in keeping with the high expectations of the academy.
Year group | Girls compulsory items | Outlet | Boys compulsory items | Outlet |
7-11 | Girls’ Blazer | Monkhouse | Boys’ blazer | Monkhouse |
House Tie | Monkhouse | House Tie | Monkhouse | |
Kilt-style skirt or… | Monkhouse | Grey Trousers | Any outlet | |
Grey trousers | Any outlet | White shirt | Any outlet | |
White shirt | Any outlet | Plain black formal shoes | Any outlet | |
Plain black formal shoes | Any outlet | Plain socks in navy, grey or black | Any outlet | |
Plain socks in navy, grey or black | ||||
If worn, tights must be black, navy blue or neutral | ||||
Optional navy and blue school v-neck jumper available through Monkhouse |
Outdoor wear
Denim jackets, leather jackets and hoodies are not permitted. Coats should be weather appropriate and we would like parents and students to avoid logos and slogans.
For reasons of safety and security we advise that students do not bring jewellery to school. All jewellery will have to be removed for PE and sport. Our expectation regarding the wearing of jewellery is as follows.
Students can wear:
Facial piercings are not permitted at SBL Academy and students will be required to remove them before arrival at school. If your child is having any new piercings done, they should be done at the start of the summer holidays so that they can be safely removed before school.
The academy does not permit extremes of style or colour, for example extreme shaving or bright hair dyes. Hair colours should be natural in tone if hair is dyed or coloured. Students who repeatedly fail to meet uniform expectations will be referred to the Isolation Room.
Students can wear discreet make up in school. If a student is wearing excessive make up they will be asked to remove it. Students who repeatedly fail to meet uniform expectations will be referred to the Isolation Room.
The Headteacher’s decision on matters of uniform and standards is final.
Compulsory Items | |
SBL logo polo shirt | Unisex or women’s fit polo shirt |
SBL PE shorts, plain navy shorts or plain navy tracksuit bottoms | Tracksuit bottoms must be plain navy |
Girls’ sports leggings | Plain navy sports leggings only (no cotton). These can be purchased from Monkhouse and a number of other sports outlets |
Navy football socks | Can be purchased from any sports shop |
Sports trainers |
Leisure shoes and daps are not permitted, for example Converse / Vans. Sports trainers should have good laces and grip. These can be purchased from any sports shop To maintain the high performance of our 3G astroturf, it is recommended that students wear astroturf trainers with pimpled soles. These items of footwear are also appropriate for wearing in our indoor spaces. For more information please see examples of astroturf trainers. |
Optional items | |
SBL rugby top SBL ¼ zip training top Navy blue sports jumper |
The rugby and ¼ zip top can be worn as a cold weather top all year round. This item can be worn instead of the SBL rugby top or 1/4 zip jumper. Students will benefit from warm outer wear during colder months. Hoodies or coats are not permitted. |
Uniform suppliers: Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialist
140 East Street,
Tel: 0117 966 1432
In cold weather all students are allowed to wear a plain navy blue or white base layer underneath their SBL polo shirt. Students are not permitted to wear any other type of hoody/jumper/coat.
Outdoor footwear
Personal protective equipment
Football, Hockey and Rugby: Shin pads are compulsory and must be worn for football and Hockey. For Hockey and Rugby gum shields are optional but strongly recommended.
Jewellery, hair and nails: In accordance with BAALPE Health and Safety guidance, no student is permitted to wear jewellery when participating in PE and Sport. All jewellery should be removed. In the event of a new piercing, earrings should be taped and a note provided of the piercing date. Long hair must be tied back and nails should not be visible beyond fingertips.
If you are unsure about an item of PE kit, please seek support from the PE department before purchasing.
TERM DATES 2024-25
Term 1
Inset days: 2 and 3 September 2024
Starts: 4 September 2024
Early closure: 3 October 2024 the school will close at 1.25pm for open evening
Ends: 25 October 2024
Term 2
Starts: 4 November 2024
Inset day: 29 November 2024
Ends: 20 December 2024 (students finish at 1.25pm)
Term 3
Starts: 6 January 2025
Ends: 13 February 2025
Inset day: 14 February 2025
Term 4
Starts: 24 February 2025
Ends: 4 April 2025
Term 5
Starts: 22 April 2025
Ends: 23 May 2025
Term 6
Starts: 2 June 2025
Inset day: 20 June 2025
Inset day: 4 July 2025
Ends: 18 July 2025 (students finish at 1.25pm)
Inset days: 21 and 22 July 2025
Printer friendly version of the term dates 2024-25 (Pdf)
TERM DATES 2025-26
Term 1
Inset days: 1 and 2 September 2025
Starts: 3 September 2025
Ends: 24 October 2025
Term 2
Starts: 3 November 2025
Inset day: 28 November 2025
Ends: 19 December 2025 (students finish at 1.25pm)
Term 3
Starts: 5 January 2026
Ends: 12 February 2026
Inset day: 13 February 2026
Term 4
Starts: 23 February 2026
Inset day: 16 March 2026
Ends: 2 April 2026
Term 5
Starts: 20 April 2026
Ends: 22 May 2026
Term 6
Starts: 1 June 2026
Inset day: 29 June 2026
Ends: 17 July 2026 (students finish at 1.25pm)
Inset days: 20 and 21 July 2026
All students have an organiser, which includes a guide to the school’s daily routines and the code of conduct. The times of the school day are as follows:
Breaks and lunchtimes
No students are allowed off site at morning break or lunchtime.
As a minimum we expect students to bring the following items every day: